Horizon Smart Factory (HSF) is a week-long exhibition where we team up with both print and tech companies to show how our devices can be used to automate the printing or book-binding process.
This year we opened up our facilities for in-person visits domestically, and offered a wide range of tours and demonstrations online for anyone who could not make it in person. There were over 800 in-person visitors and 4,700 registered viewers for our online tours and demonstrations, which were offered live in Japanese, English, and for the first time ever: Mandarin.
See here for videos of all the tours and demonstrations: https://www.horizon.co.jp/ja/exhibition/hsf_2021_en/hsf_2021_02.html
With Covid putting a halt to most international travel, Horizon has evolved to take on a more virtual presence. In 2021 alone we offered 180 online demonstrations, training sessions and service webinars (not including the live demos and tours during HSF), and plan on further expanding these services in 2022 and thereafter.
Our iCE Buckle Folder (AFV-56 Series) was chosen as a “Brand of Japan” for the IDEA Machine-Industry Design Awards. These awards are given out each year by Nikkan Shogyo Shimbun, an industrial news outlet in Japan, to new products and machines that advance Japanese manufacturing and technology (“IDEA” stands for Innovative & Inventive Design Excellence Award).
Horizon was featured in the October edition of Newsweek International magazine. In an interview President Eijiro Hori discussed the philosophy behind Horizon's spirit of innovation. Buy the magazine (support print!) or check out the articles here:
2021 was a year of resilience and recovery with the Covid pandemic affecting everything from a trip to the local grocery store to the global supply chain and international travel. One unexpected trend we’ve noticed is a growing interest in smart factory innovations: with social distancing, in-person working limitations and other such Covid prevention measures becoming a necessity, we are seeing new interest in our automated, smart-factory-ready devices from printers and binders all around the world.